Delve into the secret world of the universal form-builder with FormForAll!
What comes to mind when you hear the words ‘form creator’? Unless you’re a webmaster, you may not be familiar with the term, but it’s a piece of very useful technology that ultimately greases the wheels of a lot of international trade! FormForAll specialize in this kind of solution, and even have a free online web form builder up for grabs. You may think that all form-builders will be much of a muchness, but there are actually quite big variations in terms of functionality and performance between different solutions. For example, some form builders will give you the option of a drag and drop interface. This does away with the need to have any kind of prior programming experience in order to create your forms – a great plus point for non-techie people! FormForAll’s version also allows you to create additional form fields, so you can customize your forms to your customers’ needs. If you’re looking for a tool that’s equally at home on a PC, smartphone or tablet computer, you’ll need an html5 form builder. You can also obtain plugins to enable your form generator to work with a wide range of different CMS – from WordPress to Drupal and WIX.